AI Pathologist

Made with ❤️ by Our Team

So what is it?

This Project was one conducted by the Machine Learning and AI team of Microsoft Learn VIT Pune. In this project, we picked a dataset about Heart Disease from Kaggle and explored methods to train a model on it.

The exact data along with the project files are on the github which you can find below.

Approaches / Results

Approach 1

Manomay Jamble

  • Decision Tree / Random Forest
  • Accuracy - 85%

Approach 2

Devanshu Dalal

  • Several Models Used
  • Accuracy - 90%

Approach 3

Shreyash Deshmukh

  • KNN Model
  • Accuracy - 85.5%


Isha Deshmukh

This Exact One is a placeholder made by Omkar Prabhune though...

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Team Members

Omkar Prabhune

Shreyash Deshmukh

Isha Deshpande

Manomay Jamble

Devanshu Dalal